Oor Ons
Welkom by Radio Houtstok
Radio Houtstok het op die 24ste Oktober 2010, vir die eerste keer op die lug gegaan, op 91.3 FM stereo, van ons dan ateljee in Eden on the Bay, Bloubergstrand. Radio Houtstok was die eerste “Afrikaanse” radio stasie in die Kaap! Radio Houtstok se hoof doel was die bevordering van Afrikaanse Musiek, aangesien meeste van die ander radio stasies in Kaapstad geweier het om Afrikaanse musiek te speel. In Desember 2012 moes Radio Houtstok egter noodgedwonge die seine afskakel as gevolg van baie omstrede omstandighede.
Radio Houtstok het vanaf die 25ste Augustus 2016 weer begin uitsaai maar die keer deur middel van “online streaming” vanaf ons nuwe tuiste in Patong Beach, Phuket Thailand.
Visie & Missie
Radio Houtstok is hoofsaaklik ‘n musiek-stasie. Radio Houtstok se musiek databasis is so saamgestel dat dit aanklank sal vind by luisteraars wat ouer as 25 jaar oud is.
Die musiek verpakking bestaan hoofsaaklik uit Afrikaanse kontemporere musiek, Golden Oldies van die jare 70’s, 80’s en 90’s, Treffers van die Springbok Radio en Country musiek. Daar sal toegewyde programme wees vir Gospel musiek (Sondae oggende) en Boeremusiek (Saterdae middae).
Die tempo/verhouding van die verskillende genres wat gespeel sal word is as volg:
- Afrikaanse kontempere musiek – 50%
- Golden Oldies (70’,80’s, 90’s) – 20%
- Treffers van Springbok Radio era – 20%
- Country Musiek – 10%
Radio Houtstok is ten gunste van die bevordering van Suid-Afrikaanse musiek, meer spesifiek Afrikaanse muisek, en die ontwikkeling van nuwe talent, op voorwaarde dat die liedjies nie “covers” is nie en dat die kwaliteite van die opnames en lirieke goed sal wees. Die stasie bestuurder sal die finale diskresie he om n besluit te neem of n liedjie goed genoeg is al dan nie.
Radio Houtstok se hoof doel is die Beste Luister Musiek! Meer musiek, minder praat, minder DJ met GROOT Egos
Verder sal Radio Houtstok:
- Op die lug wees: 24 uur per dag, 7 dae per week, 365 dae van die jaar;
- Net DJ’s in uitsonderlike gevalle laat uitsaai. Lusiteraars sal vroegtydig in kennis gestel word op ons webwerf, op ons sosiale media blad en op Twitter;
- Dit so gerieflik en bekostigbaar moontlik maak om na ons te luister;
- Lusiterars aanmoedig om die Stasie bestuurder te versoek om sekere van hulle gunsteling liedjies by die bestaande speellys te voeg.
- Net n beperkte aantal advertensies toelaat om ons bedryfsuitgawes te dek;
Radio Houtstok Stigter en Eienaar
Louis Baartman
About Us
Welcome to Radio Houtstok
Radio Houtstok went on air for the first time on the 24th October 2010, on 91.3 FM stereo, at our previous studio in Eden on the Bay, Bloubergstrand. Radio Houtstok was the first “Afrikaans” radio station in Cape Town! Radio Houtstok’s main purpose was the promotion of Afrikaans Music, which most of the other radio stations in Cape Town refused to play. In December 2012, Radio Houtstok was forced to shut down their signals under controversial circumstances.
Radio Houtstok has started broadcasting again from the 25th August 2016 but this time via the internet, using “online streaming” from our new home in Patong Beach, Phuket Thailand.
Vision and Mission
Radio Houtstok is primarily a music station. Our program schedule is structured in such a manner that it will resonate with listeners that are older than 25 years old.
The music library consists mostly of Afrikaans contemporary music, Golden Oldies of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, Hits of the Springbok Radio era and Country music. There will be dedicated programs for Gospel music (Sunday mornings) and Boeremusiek (Saturday afternoons).
The ratios of how the different genres will be played on Radio Houtstok are as follow:
- Afrikaans contemporary – 50%
- Golden Oldies (70 ‘, 80’s, 90’s) – 20%
- Hits from Springbok Radio era – 20%
- Country Music – 10%
Radio Houtstok endorses the promotion of South African music, specifically “Afrikaans music”, and the development of new talent, as long as the songs do not include any “covers”, and that the quality of the recordings and lyrics are acceptable. The Station Manager will have the final say on whether a song is good enough or not.
Radio Houtstok’s main objective is to offer “the Best Music to Listen too”! More music, less talk, less DJ with inflated Egos
Furthermore, Radio Houtstok:
- Will be on the air, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year;
- Only allows DJ’s to broadcast in exceptional cases. Listeners will be notified in advance on our website, our social media page and via Twitter;
- Intends to make it as convenient and affordable as possible to listen to us;
- Will encourage listeners to supply the station manager with the names of their favourite songs and/or artist they wish to add to the existing playlist.
- Will allow only a limited amount of advertising, in order to cover our operating expenses;